Nesrin Ercelen




MSCs & Exosomes for Systemic Treatment of Inflammation

Date & Time: 

November 30, 2023 17:15



1993 | License | Medicine | Hacettepe University |Ankara, Turkey 

2000 | PhD | Medical Biology and Genetics | Gazi University | Ankara, Turkey 2015 | Associate Professorship | Bahcesehir University | İstanbul, Turkey 2021 | Professorship | Medical Genetics | Halic University | İstanbul, Turkey 

Academic Specialities 

Prof. MD PhD Uskudar University Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey 2022-Present 

Prof. MD PhD Halic University Dean Medical School, Medical Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey 2021- 2022 

Responsible Physician/Medical Director AtiGen-Cell Tissue and Stem Cell Center, Trabzon, Turkey 2019 December- present 

Visiting Professor University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Department of Medical Genetics, CA, USA, 2018 December- 2019 December 

Consultant VKV American Hospital, Genetics Department, Istanbul, 2011 – Present 

Associate Professor MD, PhD Medical Genetics Department, Bahçeşehir University Medical School, Istanbul, 2010 – 2015 

Medical Chief Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Research (GMP) and Therapy Center Liv Hospital, İstanbul, 2011 – 2014 

Medical Chief Genetics & Genomic Sciences Center, VKV American Hospital, İstanbul, 2000 – 2010 

Postdoctoral Fellow Reproductive Genetics Institute, Chicago, USA, 2000 

Clinical Research Fellow Genetics and Genomic Sciences Center, Mount Sinai Faculty of Medicine, New York City, USA 1997 – 2000 

Research Fellow Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratory, New York Sunny University, Long Island Hospital Genetics Department, Long Island, USA 1995 – 1997 

Research Assistant PhD Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics, Ankara, Turkey 1996-2000 

Medical Doctor Refik Saydam Hifzissihha Center, Department of Genetic Toxicology, Ankara, Turkey 1993-2000 

Professional Positions 

Founder and President GENEIS – Genetic System Solutions, Gmb, Istanbul, Turkey 2006-Present 

Medical Director AtiGen-Cell Tissue and Stem Cell Center, Trabzon, Turkey 2019 December- Present 

Medical Director of Genetic and Genomic Sciences Center VKV American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 2000-2010 


Personal Statement 

Dr. Ercelen received her certification in Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) & Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) at Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago in 2000. She established and directed the Genetics and Genomic Sciences Center at American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey from 2000 

– 2010. In September 2011, she was an Associate Professor at the Bahcesehir University Medical School, Department of Medical Genetics. She established and directed the Liv Hospital Department of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Research and Therapy Center, Istanbul, Turkey, and received the first license from the Turkey Ministry of Health for a GMP certified stem cell treatment clinic July 2014. 

During her clinical career, she had introduced hundreds of cases into ESHRE PGD Consortium International Society Database. She has consulted with more than a thousand patients and reported clinical diagnostic lab reports for these patients in genetic oncology, molecular genetics, cytogenetics and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. She has introduced hundreds of DNA SNP analysis and personalized reports to patients indicated for preventive medicine. 

In regenerative medical clinics, after receiving the stem cell license, using biological and stem cell procedures, many patients with cartilage aliments, scars, diabetic and other acute/chronic wounds, ischemic limb aliments were successfully treated by Dr. Erçelen. She continues to use stem cell therapy for systemic diseases like Covid 19 and stroke. 

Dr. Ercelen has contributed to scientific articles in national and international journals. She has been lecturing in national and international meetings, courses, and workshops during her career for student and medical professionals. Her special areas of interest include clinical genetics, prenatal diagnosis, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), reproductive genetics, preventive/personalized genetics and regenerative medicine/stem cell therapies. 

Awards, Honors, and Memberships in Honorary Societies 

Turkey’s Most Successful Women of the Year Science Award 2005 Istanbul Oriflame | 

Invited Talks and Teaching of Peers (National) 

  1. 28.09-2.10/2011- Genomics of embryonicstem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPCs) for stem-cell based therapeutic approaches”, 1.Kok Hucre Araştirmalari Kongresi (Ulusal Katilimli) Konferansi, Sapanca, Turkiye 
  2. 03/2014- 2.Fetal Hayattan Çocukluga ilk 1000 Gun Gebe ve Çocuk Beslenme Kongresi,”Ilk 1000 Gün Gebe ve Cocuk Beslenme Kongresi Konuşma —Bildiri Özetler”, “Beslenme ve Nutrigenetik: Dünyadaki Güncel Uygulamalar”, Ankara, Turkiye 
  3. 10/2019- 1st Eurasıan non-surgıcal course, “Kök Hücre Tedavi Yöntemleri: Beş Yıllık Olgu Sunumları”, 6 pp., Istanbul, Turkey 
  4. 10/2021- TARK, ‘’Bir Nefes Umut: Genomik Tıp’’, Antalya, Türkiye 
  5. 10/2022- 21.yy.da Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Kişiselleştirilmiş Tıp konulu Bilimsel Etkinlikte ’’Genetik Bilimi Uygulamaları ve Kişiselleştirilmiş Tıp’’, Hatay, Türkiye 
  6. 03/2023 – Good Days, ‘’Deprem Yardımlarında Koordinasyon’’, İstanbul, Türkiye 

Invited Talks and Teaching of Peers (International) 

  1. 09/2013- Lifetime By A4M Thailand: The Fifth American Academy in Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine, “Lifetime By A4M Thailand: The Sth American Academy in Anti-Aging andAesthetic Medicine”, “Adipose derived Cell Therapy“, Bangkok, Thailand 
  2. 11/2022- TSRM, ‘’Ureme Tibbinda Genetik ve Kok Hucre Tedavileri’’, Girne, Kıbrıs 
  3. 11/2022- Virtual Event, ‘’Global Congress and Expo on Vaccines and Immunization’’, USA 
  4. 12/2022- ‘’35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI)”, SciTech Central COVID- 19, USA 


  1. Title: Male factor infertility associated with a familial translocation t(1;13) (q24;q10), Author(s): Sazci A, Ercelen N, Ergul E, Akpinar G.,Source: Fertil Steril, 83(5): 1548-50 Published: 2005 May doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2004.10.055 
  2. Title: Cytogenetic results of amniocentesis materials: incidence of abnormal karyotypes in the Turkish collaborative study.Author(s): Karaoguz MY, Bal F, Yakut T, Ercelen N, Gokcen AB, Biri AA, Kimya Y, Urman B,Gultomruk M, Egeli U, Menevse S Source: Genet Couns, 17(2): 219-30 Published: 2006 PMID: 16970041 
  3. Title: Meiotic segregation analysis of reciprocal translocations both in sperms and blastomeres. Author(s): Yakut T, Ercelen N, Acar H, Kimya Y, Egeli U Source: Am J Med Genet A., 140(10):1074-82 Published: 2006 May 15 
  4. Title: The effect of preimplantation screening on the probability of live birth in young women with recurrent implantation failure; a nonrandomized paralel group trial.Author(s): Yakin K, Ata B, Ercelen N, Balaban B, Urman B Source: Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 140(2): 224-9. Published: 2008 Oct doi: 
  5. Title: Interleukin- 1 receptor antagonist gene VNTR polymorphism is associated with coronary artery disease.Author(s): Arman A, Soylu O, Yildirim A, Furman A, Ercelen N, Aydogan H, Coker A, Tezel T. Source: Arq Bras Cardiol. 91(5): 293-8.Published: 2008 Nov PMID: 19142372 
  6. Title: Successful hematopoietic SCT from non-identical twins to two sisters with B-thalassemia  major by using preimplantation genetic diagnosis and HLA. Author(s): Yesilipek MA, Karasu G, Ercelen N, Uygun V, Akcan M, Kupesiz A, Hazar V Source: Bone Marrow Transplant, typing2011 Dec; 46(12): 1581-2, Published: 2011 Jan 17 doi:10.1038/bmt.2010.344 
  7. Title: ’Double translocation: an interesting family history  Author(s): Uysal, A., Uludağ, A., Sılan, F., Erçelen, N., Zafer, C., & Özdemir, Öztürk Source:Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics doi: 10.2478/bjmg-2013-0022. 
  8. Title: Allelic frequencies of mutations in blood coagulation factor genes (Factor V, Factor II) and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) in 201 Turkish patients with venous thrombosis complications.Author(s): Ercelen N, Ozturk B, Comert H, Diken M, Gultomruk M, Coskun H, Akat A Source: J. Mol. Gen. Med, DOI No: 10.4172/1747- 0862.1000093 doi:10.4172/1747-0862.1000093 Published: 2014 January 
  9. Title: Wellbeing and Genetics Author(s): Ercelen N. Source: Türkiye Klinikleri, 64-68 pp. Published: 2018 
  10. Title: MSC Transplantation in Eight Severe COVID-19 Patients: Can Cytokine Storm Be Reversed? Author(s): Ercelen, N. O., Bilgili, B., Monteleone, B., Gul, F., Gulay, G. R., Alpaydin, N., & Cinel, I.  Source: Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy Published: 2020 doi:10.35248/2157-7633/2020.10.460. 
  11. Title: Clinical experience on umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell treatment in 210 severe and critical COVID-19 cases in TurkeyAuthor(s): Nesrin O Ercelen , Kubra Cigdem Pekkoc-Uyanik, Nagihan Alpaydin, Gokay Rasit Gulay ,Murat Simsek Source: National Library of Medicine Published: 2021 doi:10.1007/s12015-021-10214-x 
  12. Title: Variable clinical features of patients with Fabry disease and outcome of enzyme replacement therapy. Author(s): Marina Dutra-Clarke, Daisy Tapia, Emily Curtin, Dennis Rünger, Grace K. Lee, Anita Lakatos, Zyza Alandy-Dy, Linda Freedkin, Kathy Hall, Nesrin Ercelen, Jousef Alandy-Dy, Margaret Knight, Madeleine Pahl, Dawn Lombardo, Virginia Kimonis Source: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports,  Volume 26 Published: 2021 
  13. Title: A Perspective on UC-MSC Treatment in Severe and Critically Severe Covid-19 Patients. Author(s): Nesrin Ercelen and Nilgun Karas Source: 21st Century Pathology, Volume 2 (3):115 Published: 2022 
  14. Title: Clinical Experience: Outcomes of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Five Stroke Patients. Author(s): Ercelen, N., Karasu, N., Kahyaoglu, B., Cerezci, O., Akduman, R. C., Ercelen, D., & Aykut Bingol, C. Source: Frontiers in Medicine, 10. Published: 2023 


  1. Besbelli N, Akpolat N, Özcan N, Ercelen N.Ö, Marklund H, “Mantar Zehirlenmeleri”, Nov, 1995 T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı Refik Saydam Hıfzısıhha Merkez Başkanlığı. 
  2. Ercelen N., “Dejeneratif Disk Hastalığında Genetik Tanı ve Yeni Tedavi Yaklaşımları”, s261-270, Dejeneratif Disk Hastalığı, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Perisentrik Sinir Cerrahisi Grubu Yayınları, Editörler: Prof. Dr. Fahir Özer, Doç. Dr. Sait Naderi, 2004, İstanbul, Türkiye 
  3. Ercelen N., “Dejeneratif Disk Hastalıgında Genetik Yaklaşım ve Biyolojik Tedavi”, s324-327, Lomber Dejeneratif Disk Hastalıgı ve Dinamik Stabilizasyon (kitap), Amerikan Hastanesi Yayınları, Editör: Prof. Dr. Fahir Ozer, 2011, İstanbul, Türkiye 
  4. N. Ercelen, Fahir Ozer, Lombar Degenerative Disc Diseases and Dynamic Stabilization (Genetic Approaches and Biological atareatments in Degenerative Disc Disease), 365-370 pp., Intertıp Press, 2014. 

Meeting Reports-Consensus Reports-Practice Guidelines- Other Publication 

  1. Title: Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanı Author(s): Ercelen N Source: Hipokrat Dergisi, 215-216. Published: 2002 Aug. 
  2. Title: Alzheimer’s Disease and Genes: A review Author(s): Ercelen N, Mercan S Source: Adv Mol Med, 1(4): 155-164 Published: 2005. 
  3. Title: Effects of MDR1 C3435T wobble polymorphism on metastase and tumor stage in prostate cancer. Author(s): Narter F, Yilmaz H, Yucebas, Sengor F, Ercelen N, Isbir T. Source: Adv Mol Med, 2(1): 23- 28 Published: 2006 
  4. Title: Successful preimplantation genetic aneuploidy screening in Turkish patients Author(s): Ercelen N, Tutar E, Gultomruk M, Comert H, Coskun H, Mercan R, Nuhoglu A Source: Genet Mol Res, 10(4). Published: 2011 Nov
  5. Title: Determination of Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men at the Cukurova Region in Turkey Author(s): S.Tağa, H.Leventerler, A.Tuli, İ.Urunsak, N.Ercelen, S.Solmaz, N.Dikmen Source: Cukurova Medical Journal, “38(4)”, 723-733 pp. Published: 2013 

Abstracts-Oral and poster presentations 

  1. 02/ 1998 N.Ö. Erçelen, A. Ekmekçi, B. Öztürk, I. Egehan, 5th Joint Clinical Genetics Meeting konferansı dahilinde, “Cytogenetics”, bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Irritation Induced Chromosomal Abberations in Transfusion Blood”, 93-93 pp., Los Angeles, California. 
  2. 09/2002 N. Erçelen, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, E. Tutar, C. Alataş, A. Mumcu, S. Aksoy, R. Mercan, A. Nuhoğlu, B.Urman, ‘’2nd World Congress of Perinatal Medicine konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Results and Clinical Outcome of Pregnancies After Preconception Diagnosis in 108 IVF Cycles of American Hospital”, 195-195 pp., Antalya, Türkiye. 
  3. 10/2002 N. Erçelen, B. Balaban, A. Mumcu, E. Tutar, R. Mercan, B. Urman, ‘’58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine konferansı’’ dahilinde , “Fertility and Sterility” bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Embryo Morphology grading and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Improve the Predictive Accuracy of Embryo Transfer in Couples with Advanced Age and/or Repeated Implantation Failures”, 185-185 pp., Seattle, A.B.D. 
  4. 10/2002 B. Balaban, N. Ercelen, A. Işıklar, C. Alataş, B. Urman, ‘’58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine konferansı’’ dahilinde, “Fertility and Sterility”, bildiri kitapçığındaki, “The Effect of Oocyte Morphology on Aneuploidy Rates and Blastocyst Formation in Patients with Repeated Implantation Failures Following IVF/ICSI”, 184-184 pp.,Seattle, A.B.D. 
  5. 10/2002 B. Urman, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, N. Erçelen, ‘’58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine konferansı’’ dahilinde , “Fertility and Sterility”, bildiri kitapçığındaki, “The Effect of Different Pronuclear Patterns on the Aneuploidy Rate of Cleavage Stage Embryos and Subsequent Blastocyst Formation”, 500-500 pp., Seattle, A.B.D. 
  6. (05-07) 06/2003 Balaban B., Yakin K., Isiklar A., Ercelen N., Urman B., ‘The correlation of oocyte morphology with aneuploidy rates and blastocyst formation in the deve|oping embryos”, 5.International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, Antalya, Turkiye. 
  7. 06/2003 N. Erçelen, H. Şimşek, H. Coşkun, F. Köroğlu, M. Gürtomruk. E. Tutar, B. Urman, ‘’5th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Genetic Evaluation of Man With Non-obstructive Azoospermia”, 35-35 pp., Antalya, Türkiye. 
  8. 06/2003 K. Yakın, B. Balaban, N. Erçelen, A. Işıklar, B. Urman, ‘’5th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Degenerated or Fragmanted Nuclei in FISH Analyses: Diagnostic Failure or Reflection of an Impending Arrest in Embryonal Growth?”, 45-45 pp., Antalya, Türkiye. 
  9. 06/2003 N. Erçelen, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, E. Tutar, C. Alataş, S. Aksoy, K. Yakın, A. Nuhoğlu, B. Urman, ‘’5th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Results of 165 PGD Cycles in Poor Prognosis IVF/ICSI Patients”, 30-30 pp., Antalya, Türkiye. 
  10. (21-24) 04/2004 Ercelen N., “Kotu prognoza sahip IVF/ICSI hastalarinda uygulanan 200 PGT siklus sonuçlarinin degerlendirilmesi” 6. Ulusal Prenatal Tani ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi, Antalya, Turkiye 
  11. 06/2004 Biricik, N. Erçelen, M.C. Magley, D. Podini, A. Nuccitielli, N. Vitale, L. Brardinoni, M. Baldi, F. Fiorentino, L. Gianaroli, ‘’20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Multiplates PCR of Polymorphic Markers Flanking the GYP21 Gene as a General Approach for Preimplantation Genetic Dioagnosis of 21- Hydroxylase Deficiency”, 183-183 pp., Berlin, Almanya. 
  12. (16-19) 04/2005 Ercelen N., Comert H., Diken M., ”Genetic Screening of the Most Frequent Familiar Mediterrenean Fever Mutations in 68 Patients” I. Ulusal Molekuler Tip Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkiye. 
  13. 05/2005 N. Erçelen, M. Gültomruk, H. Coşkun, Y. Sağıroğlu, M. Diken, H. Cömert, C. Alataş, S. Aksoy, K. Yakın, R. Mercan, A. Nuhoğlu, B. Urman, ‘’13th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Chromosomal Abnormalities in Spontaneous and IVF/ICSI Pregnancy Losses”, 97-97 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  14. 05/2005 N. Erçelen, E.P. Önal, H. Coşkun, M. Gültomruk, M. Diken, H. Cömert, ‘’ 13th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Prenatal Detection of a Reciprocal Translocation T(11;22)(Q23;Q12) in a Doation Cycle: A Case Report”, 60-60 pp., İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  15. 05/2005 N. Erçelen, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, H. Cömert, M. Diken, H. Coşkun, M. Gültomruk, A. Mumcu, S. Aksoy, R. Mercan, K. Yakın, C. Alataş, A. Nuhoğlu, B. Urman, ‘’13th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki “Genetic Evaluation and Tese Prognosis of Man With Nonobstractive Azoospermia”, 61-61 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  16. 05/2005 N. Erçelen, B. Başak, M. Gültomruk, M. Diken, R. Mercan, B. Urman, ‘’6th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Clinical Outcome With Respect to Maternal Age in ICSI/PGD-AS Patients”, 18- 18 pp.,Londra, İngiltere. 
  17. 05/2005 N. Erçelen, A. Işıklar, M. Gültomruk, M. Diken, R. Mercan, B. Urman, ‘’6th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Impact of Blastomere Nucleus Diameter on PGD-AS”, 13-13 pp.,Londra, İngiltere. 
  18. (17-20) 05/2006 Erkan L., Tutar E., Akcay E., Ercelen N., “Spontan Abortlarda Interfaz Floresan In Situ Hibridizasyon (FISH) Yontemi ile Sayisal Anomalilerin Saptanmasi”, VII.Ulusal Prenatal Tani ve Tibbi Genetik Konferansi, Kayseri, Turkiye. 
  19. (17-20) 05/2006 Ucar H., Yazar B., Gultomruk M., Akcay E., Ercelen N., “Prenatal Tanida Saptanan Perisentrik Bir Inversiyonun Arastirilmasi”, VII.Ulusal Prenatal Tani ve Tibbi Genetik Konferansi, Kayseri, Turkiye 
  20. (7-10) 09/2006 Yazar B., Erkan L., İlbay O., Comert H., Ozturk B., Ercelen N., “Türk Populasyonunda Tekrarlayan Düşük, İnfertilite ve Venöz Tromboz Endikasyonu Bulunan Hastalarda Kalıtsal Trombofilik Risk Faktörleri Prevelansı: Faktör V Leiden, Protrombin G20210A ve Metilentetrahidrofolatredüktaz 15 .Mutasyonu Prevelansi”, 2. Ulusal Ureme Endokrinolojisi ve Infertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2006), Antalya, Turkiye. 
  21. (17-20) 05/2006 Ucar H., Karakoyun H., Ecemis R., Akcay E., Ercelen N., “Bir Numarali Kromozomdaki Yapisal Anomalilerin lnfertilite Uzerine Etkisi“, VII.Ulusal Prenata| Tani ve Tibbi Genetik Konferansi, Kayseri,Turkiye. 
  22. (7-10) 09/2006 Ercelen N., Gultomruk M., Comer H., Tutar E., Balaban B., Mercan R., Urman B., “Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanida Anoploidi Ara§tirmasi: Ureme Genetiginde Koruyucu Genetik Tani Yontemi” (oral sunum), 2. Ulusal Ureme Endokrinolojisi ve Infertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2006), Antalya, Turkiye. 
  23. (7-10) 09/2006 Yazar B., Ayaz A., Comert H., Ercelen N., “Gebelik Komplikasyonlu Vakalarda Faktor V Leiden Mutasyonu Prevelansi”, 2. Ulusal Ureme Endokrinolojisi ve Infertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2006) Antalya,Turkiye. 
  24. (7-10) 09/2006 Erkan L., Tutar E., Akcay E., Ercelen N“IVF/ICSI-spontan gebelik abortlarında interfaz floresan in situ hibridizasyon (FISH) yöntemi ile sayısal anomalilerin saptanması” (oral sunum), 2. Ulusal Üreme Endokrinolojisi ve İnfertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2006), Antalya, Türkiye 
  25. 03/2007 H. Cömert, B. Yazar, O. İlbay, M. Diken, N. Erçelen, ‘’2nd Congress of Molecular Medicine from Cell to Bedside konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Preventive Genetic Diagnosis for Cardiovascular Pathologies”, 315-315 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  26. 03/2007 E. Tutar, L. Erkan, M. Gültomruk, A. Işıklar, K. Yakın, N. Erçelen, B. Urman, ‘’2nd Congress of Molecular Medicine from Cell to Bedside konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Preimplantatipon Genetic Diagnosis for Translocation Carrier Couple with T(1;13)(q24;q10)”, 314-314 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  27. 03/2007 B. Yazar, O. İlbay, H. Cömert, N. Erçelen, ‘’2nd Congress of Molecular Medicine from Cell to Bedside konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “SNP Analyses for Preventive Genetic Diagnosis: Based on Breast Cancer Risk and Hormone Replacement Therapy-Risks and Benefits”, 315-315 pp., İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  28. 03/2007 N. Erçelen, H. Cömert, B. Yazar, L. Erkan, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, R. Mercan, B. Urman, ‘’2nd Congress of Molecular Medicine from Cell to Bedside konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Clinical Experience: 21 Cycles of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Single Gene Disorders”, 313-313 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  29. (16-10) 10/2008 Ercelen N., Yazar B.,Bora T.S., Comert H.,”A Survey of Patients Who Received Testingfor Hereditary Thrombophilia Panel Due to Miscarriage: A Clinical Geneticist Perspective”, 3.Ulusal Ureme Endokrinolojisi ve Infertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2008), Antalya, Turkiye. 
  30. 11/2008 B. Öztürk, B. Yazar, O. İlbay, H. Cömert, N. Erçelen, ‘’58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C667T Gene Mutation Associated Unsuccessful Assisted Reproduction”, 0-0 pp.,Philedelphia, A.B.D. 
  31. 04/2009 N. Erçelen, E. Tutar, L. Erkan, M. Gültomruk, E.P. Akçay, A. Işıklar, K. Yakın, C. Alataş, B. Urman, ‘’9th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetics PGD and Stem Cells konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Successful Pregnancy Outcomes in 2 Cryptic Translocation Carrier Couples”, 0-0 pp., Miami, A.B.D. 
  32. 04/2009 N. Erçelen, H. Cömert, L. Erkan, O. İlbay, R. Merca, B. Balaban, A. Işıklar, B. Urman, ‘’9th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetics PGD and Stem Cells konferansı’’ dahilinde bildiri kitapçığındaki, “Outcomes of PGD for Single Gene Disorders”, 25-25 pp., Miami, A.B.D. 
  33. 04/ 2009 N.Ercelen, H. Comert, L. Erkan, O. Ilbay, R. Mercan, B. Balaban, A. Isiklar, B. Urman, 9th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetics PGD and StemCelts Abstracts and Programme,”Outcomes of PGD FOR single Gene Disorders“, 25-25 pp.,Miami, U.S.A. 
  34. (14-19) 05/ 2009 Ercelen N., Tutar E., Gultomruk M., Erkan L., Urman B., “Translokasyon Ta iyicisi HastalardaPreimplantasyon Genetik Taninin Gebelige Etkisi”, 7. Ulusal Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, Girne, KKTC. 
  35. (28-31)10/2009 Erkan L., Kutludur E., Gultomruk M., Comert H., Dogan D., Ulucak., Unal H., Akcay E.P.,Kills 0 , Ercelen N., ”344 Spontan-lVF/ICSI Abort Materyalinde Fluoresan In Situ Hibridizasyon (FISH) ve Sitogenetik Tani Yontemlerinin Karşilaştirilmasi”, IX. Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  36. (28-31) 10/2009 Coskun C.U., Gultomruk M.,Unal H., Uluocak R., DoganD., Kutludur E., Akcay E.P., KiIrgG, Ercelen N., ”Hematolojik Onkoloji Hasta Grubunda Sitogenetik ve Molekuler Sitogenetik Degerlendrime Sonu§lari”, IX.Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  37. (28-31) 10/2009 Işıklar A., Balaluali B., Mercan R., Urman D., Ercelen N., “Kötü Prognoza Sahip 373 ICSI/PGT Siklusunun Değerlendirilmesi”, IX. Ulusal Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Türkiye. 
  38. (28-31) 10/2009 Akcay E.P., Gultomruk M., Coskun H.U., Uluocak R., Dogan D., Unal H., Kiln G., Ercelen N., “AmerikanHastanesi Genetik ve Genomik Bilimler Merkezi’nde Prenatal Tani Analizi Yapilan Olgularin Retrospektif Degerlendirmesi” , IX. Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  39. (28-31) 10/2009 Kılıç G., §o kun C.U., Gultomruk M., Dogan D., Uluocak R., Unal H., Kutludur E., Comert H., Akcay E.P.,Ercelen N., ”Infertil Erkeklerde Nadir Görülen Kromozom Anomalileri: XX Erkek ve XXYY Sendromu”, IX.Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  40. (28-31) 10/2009 Comert H., Yazar B., jIbay 0., Erkan L., I§iklar A., Balaban B., Urman B., Mercan R., Ercelen N., “Olgu Sunumu: Talasemi Major Tanisi ve HLA Doku Tiplemesi isib Preimplantasyon Genetik Tani Yontemleri”, IX. Ulusal T bbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  41. (28-31) 10/2009 Gültomruk M.,Coskun H.,U., Unal H.,Uluocak R.,Dogan D.,Kutludur E., Akcay E.P.,Kılınç G., Ercelen N., “Üreme Problemi Olan Hastalarda Sitogenetik Degerlendirme”, IX. Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkiye. 
  42. 06/2013 N. Erçelen, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society EU Congress konferansı dahilinde, “Termis EU 2013 Abstracts”, bildiri kitapçığındaki “Clinical applications of regenerative medicine: A general overview”, 36-36 pp.,İstanbul, Türkiye. 
  43. 04/ 2014 N. Erçelen, 2nd Internatıonal BAU-Drug Design Symposium, “Novel Methods and Emerging Targets in Drug Discovery & Patented Drug Development”, bildiri kitapçığındaki “Biological Drugs: Stem Cells”, 24-24 pp., İstanbul, Türkiye 
  44. 08/03/2019 V.Kimonis, M.D.Clarke, E.Curtin, D.Tapia, K.Hall, J.A.DY, M.Knight, N.Ercelen, D.Lombardo, M.Pahl, Southern California Rare Disease Genetics Meeting, “\/ariable Clinical Features of Fabry Disease inPatients with Novel Mutations”, Irvine,California. 
  45. 08/12/2022 N.Ercelen, ‘’35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI)”, SciTech Central COVID-19, USA. 
  46. 20/07/2023 N.Ercelen, ‘’4th International Conference on Stem Cell‘’, Roma, Italy. 
  47. 26/08/2023 N.Ercelen, ‘’Geneis Longevity Semınar’’, Bodrum, Muğla 
  48. 05/09/2023 N. Ercelen, ‘’ Stem Cell Treatment for Neurodegenerative Diseases’’, BaCI Conference 2023, İstanbul, Türkiye