Athanasios Papavasileiou




The Role of Regenerative Medicine in Hip Arthroscopy

Date & Time: 

December 2, 2023 12:00


Personal Details

NAME                                       Athanasios (Thanos)  V. Papavasileiou

DATE OF BIRTH                 22 March 1973

NATIONALITY                     GREEK

ADDRESS                              Polemiston 8a
Panorama 552 36

TELEPHONE                          ++302310 344222 (Home)
++30 6981408350 (Mobile)
++302310 238331 (Office)
++30 6946166202 (Secretary)



Family STATUS                    Married, three children

Professional qualifications

BSc (Biology, Chemistry) Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, USA   1990-1994

MD   Aristotle University Medical School, Thessaloniki, Greece           1994-1999

PhD (part of MD/PhD program) Aristotle University Medical School (Biology of Medicine) Oct     1999

Orthopedic Surgeon (CCST) Greek College of Surgeons, Hellenic Republic Dec 2006

Past Professional appointments

  • 03/2001-08/2002: Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby
  • 08/2002-08/2003: Queen’s Hospital, Burton-on-Trent
  • 08/2003-02/2004: (Trauma Fellow) Oxford Trauma Unit, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, Oxford
  • 02/2004-02/2005: (SpR) Horton, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, Oxford
  • 02/2005-10/2006: (SpR) Eastbourne District General Hospital, Eastbourne


2007-2008 (London & Cambridge)

Fellow to RN Villar one of the pioneer surgeons in hip preservation

 Current appointment

Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon
Interbalkan Medical Centre – Thessaloniki

 Scientific Article Publications

(update with medline- check under papavasiliou A, papavasiliou AV, papavasileiou A)


  1. Bone Morphogenic Proteins, new prospects on bone metabolism
    Papavasiliou A
    Orthopaedics Journal of the Orthopaedics Association of Macedonia-Thrace 1999;12(2):112-19
    (Article in Greek)


  1. The Duhamel-Martin operation in adult Hirschsprung’s disease performed with mechanical sutures:Case Report
    Sakadamis A, Ballas K, Papavasiliou A
    Hippokratia. 2001;5(4):151-55 (Article in Greek)
  2. Biological and metabolic activity of the epiphyseal plate during bone healing in laboratory rats
    Mioglou E, Iakwbidou Z, Papavasiliou A, Gourtsas K
    Journal of Hellenic Medicine 2001;67 (Suppl. 3):123-28 (Article in Greek)


  1. Histological and biological changes in the epiphyseal plate during fracture healing
    Papavasiliou A
    J Orthop Sci. 2002; 7(1): 91-96


  1. Talus fracture associated with a fracture dislocation of the distal tibia in an immature skeleton: A case report
    Nenopoulos S,  Papavasiliou V, Papavasiliou A
    Acta Orthop Belg. 2003;69(5):473-75
  2. Multidirectional voluntary glenohumeral dislocation in a 7 year old patient: A case report
    Papavasileiou A, Kitsis C
    Acta Orthop Belg. 2003;69(6):558-61
  1. Rotational injuries of the distal tibial growth plate
    Nenopoulos S, Papavasiliou V, Papavasiliou A
    J Orthop Sci. 2003; 8(6):784-88


  1. A novel surgical option for the operative treatment of clubfoot
    Papavasiliou V, Papavasiliou A
    Acta Orthop Belg.  2004;70(2):155-61
  2. Effect of early octeotide administration on the development of esophageal varices in cirrhotic rats
    Ballas KD, Tzioufa V, Marakis G, Alatsakis M, Papavasiliou A, Sakadamis A
    Hepatol Res.2004;29(2):104-12


  1. Surgical treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip in the periadolescent period
    Papavasiliou VA, Papavasiliou AV
    J Orthop Sci, 2005;10(1):15-21
  1. Outcome of physeal and epiphyseal injuries of the distal tibia with intra-articular involvement
    Nenopoulos S, Papavasiliou V, Papavasiliou A
    J Pediatr Orthop. 2005 Jul-Aug;25(4):518-22
  2. Elongation of the femoral neck in Perthes disease
    Papavasiliou V. Nenopoulos S, Papavasiliou A, Christoforides J
    Acta Orthop Belg. 2005 Aug;71(4):414-23
  3. “Spring in her step”-An unusual case of intra-osseous foreign body in the tibia
    Papavasiliou A, Anand S, Summers A
    Injury Extra, Volume 36, Issue 6, June 2005, Pages 217-220
  4. Preliminary results and technical aspects following stabilization of fractures around the knee with LISS
    Apostolou C, Papavasiliou A, Aslam N, Handley RC, Willett KM
    Injury Extra, Volume 36, Issue 12, December 2005, Pages 529-536


  1. Infection in knee arthroplasty after previous injection of intra-articular steroid
    Papavasiliou AV, Isaac DL, Marimuthu R, Skyrme A , Armitage A
    J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2006 Mar; 88B:321-3


  1. The complexity of seat belt injuries including the spine in the pediatric population: a case report in a 6 year old boy and literature review
    Papavasiliou AV, Stanton J, Sinha P, Forder J, Skyrme A
    Eur J Emerg Med. 2007 Jun;14(3):180-3. Review
  2. Infection in knee arthroplasty after previous injection of intra-articular steroid-correspondence
    J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2007 Mar; 89B:422-23


  1. Supermarket hip: an unusual cause of injury to the hip joint.
    Yamamoto Y, Villar RN, Papavasileiou A.
    Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 2008 Apr;24(4):490-3.
  2. Quality of Life following Hip Resurfacing
    Papavasiliou, RN Villar
    Hip International, Vol. 18 no. 4, 2008, pp. 307-312


  1. INSTRUCTIONAL REVIEW: HIP Complications of arthroscopic surgery of the hip
    AV Papavasiliou, NV Bardakos Bone Joint Res 2012;1:131–44.
  2. Clinical Outcome of Arthroscopic Suture Fixation for Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults. Koukoulias NE, Germanou E, Lola D, Papavasiliou AV, Papastergiou SG.
  3. Arthroscopy. Arthroscopy. Oct;28(10):1472-80. Death after fluid extravasation in hip arthroscopy. Bardakos NV, Papavasiliou AV. Arthroscopy. 2012 Nov;28(11):1584; author reply


  1. Osteology: a cornerstone of orthopaedic education A. Papavasiliou Bone Joint 360 February 2013 2: 40-40


  1. The gymnasts’ hip and groin: a magnetic resonance imaging study in asymptomatic elite athletes Papavasiliou A, Siatras T, Bintoudi A, Milosis D, Lallas V, Sykaras E, Karantanas A. Skeletal Radiol. 2014 Aug;43(8):1071-7
  2. Neglected lesser tuberosity avulsion in an adolescent elite gymnast Paxinos O, Karavasili A, Manolarakis M, Paxinos T, Papavasiliou A. Shoulder and Elbow 2014;6(3):178-81
  3. Papavasiliou A, Koukoulias N, Sinopides C, Indications and Results of Hip Arthroscopy in 288 Consecutive Patients with a Minimum Follow-Up of 6 Months Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine November 2014 vol. 2 no. 3 suppl


  1. The role of hip arthroscopy in the management of osteonecrosis Papavasiliou A, Yercan H, Koukoulias N J Hip Preserv Surg,2014;1(2):56-61.
  2. Indications and Results of Hip Arthroscopy in 288 Consecutive Patients with a Minimum Follow-Up of 6 Months Papavasiliou A, Koukoulias N, Sinopides C, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine November 2014 vol. 2 no. 3 suppl.


  1. The role of cell therapies and hip arthroscopy in the management of osteonecrosis: an update AV Papavasiliou, I Triantafyllopoulos, O Paxinos, D Tsoukas, C Kostantoulakis, J Hip Preserv Surg. 2018 Jun 14;5(3):202-208.
  2. Atlas of complications in anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Papastergiou SG, Koukoulias N, Dimitriadis DT, Kalivas EI, Papavasileiou AV, Ziogas EC, JRPMS, 2018 Dec 2;4: 136-143.


  1. Paxinos O, Mitrogiannis L, Papavasiliou A et al. Musculoskeletal injuries among elite artistic and rhythmic Greek gymnasts: A ten-year study of 156 elite athletes Acta Orthop Belg. 2019 Jun;85(2):145-149.


  1. Triantafyllopoulos IK, Papavasiliou A Biological therapies for the treatment of early stage pre-collapse osteonecrosis of the femoral head Αcta Orthopaedica et traumatologica hellenica review 2020, Vol 71(1) Jan-Mar :23-32
  2. Papavasiliou A, Papastergiou S Combination of hip blockwith MR-arthrography ESSKA NEWSLETTER 2020, March: 20-22


  1. Femoroacetabular impingement in amateur athletes: The value of response
    to anaesthetic injection during hip MR arthrography Perdikakis E, Papavasiliou A,
    HJR VOL 6(2):2-10
  2. Non-surgical treatment as the first step to manage peritrochanteric space disorders.
    Marín-Pena O, Papavasiliou AV, Olivero M, Galanis N, Tey-Pons M, Khanduja V. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021 Aug;29(8):2417-2423.
  3. Editorial (ESSKA-SHPS supplement).
    Randelli F, Bonin N, Papavasiliou A. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2021 Jun 23;8(Suppl 1):i2-i3
  4. Femoroacetabular impingement in amateur athletes: The value of response to anaesthetic injection during hip MR arthrography. Perdikakis E, Papavasiliou A etc HJR Vol 6 (2) : 2-10 HJR 2021


  1. Diagnosing Hip Microinstability:an international consensus study using the Delphi methodology.Khanduja2022_Article_DiagnosingHipMicroinstabilityA(1)
  2. Defining Parameters for Surgical Correction and Hip Complications for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome: Results of an International Modified Delphi Study. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery Available online 8 December 2022


Scientific Books Publications

 Ορθοπαιδική-Συγγενείς ανωμαλίες, παθήσεις και κακώσεις του μυοσκελετικού συστήματος (β’ έκδοση) Β.Παπαβασιλείου

University Studio Press, 2004
Κεφάλαιο 11: Κινησιολογία του σώματος του ανθρώπου (σελ. 529-570)
Α. Παπαβασιλείου   (BOOK IN GREEK)


Lehrbuch und Atlas Huftarthroskopie: Diagnostik – Technik – Indikationen

Dr. Michael Dienst Editor
Elsevier / Urban & Fischer,  2009
The role of hip arthroscopy in AVN. Papavasiliou A, Villar RN

Hip Joint Restoration

Worldwide Advances in Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty, Osteotomy and Joint Preservation Surgery

Editors: McCarthy, Jr., Joseph, Villar, Richard, Noble, Philip C.
Chapter 57: Specific Tissues and Conditions – Osteonecrosis, Avascular Necrosis
Papavasiliou A and Gliatis J

Intraarticular Fractures Minimally Invasive Surgery, Arthroscopy

Editors: Doral, M.N., Karlsson, J., Nyland, J., Benedetto, K.P.
Chapter 25 The role of hip arthroscopy in posttraumatic hip dislocation
Papavasiliou A, Paxinos O, Karamitros A

ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book

Editors: Hirschmann, M.T., Kon E., Samuelsson K., Denti M., Dejour D.
Chapter 26 Advanced Hip Arthroscopy. What’s new?
Oliver Marin-Pena, Ali Badjwa, A Papavasiliou et al.

Hip Preservation Surgery

Open, Arthroscopic and Endoscopic techniques
Editors: Bonin N, Randelli F, Khanduja V
Chapter 9 Arthroscopic core decompression and Cell therapy
Triantafillopoulos I, Papavasiliou A

 Selected International Podium Presentations

Cement Less Femoral Heads Results
10 years Birmingham Hip Resurfacing-The Comprehensive meeting on Hip Resurfacing,
Miami, USA 2007

Mediterranean Hip Meeting, KLEOS,

Future of Hip Arthroscopy, Athens Greece 2010

European Hip Society

Techniques for Hip Arthroscopy, Athens Greece 2010

 Sandanter Hip Meeting

– The Tips and Tricks of Improving Arthroscopy Hip Access
– The role of hip arthroscopy in the evaluation and treatment of avascular necrosis
Sandanter Spain 2011

SICOT (International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology)

Complications following Arthroscopic Surgery of the Hip
Praque Czech Republic 2011

ExMEx Forum, EFFORT, Hip-Advancing the science and art of hip arthroscopy, primary and revision hip arthroplasty
Basic technique of arthroscopic approach of the hip – Complications and learning curve
Athens 2012

ECOSEP-European College of Sport and Exercise Physicians
Hip Arthroscopy.  Indications and Principles of Rehabilitation
Spine, Sport, Rehabilitation Course, Thessaloniki, 2013

European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology-EFFORT
Hip joint stability and the management of the capsule in arthroscopic surgery

14th EFORT Congress, Istanbul, Turkey 2013
Trilateral Meeting on Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
FAI-Indications for Treatment, Pravets, Bulgaria 2013
International Society for Hip Arthroscopy-ISHA

Arthroscopic assisted decompression and bone graft trasportation in avascular necrosis of the femoral head – a preliminary report of two cases, Munich, Germany 2013


The concept of FAI and comparison between arthroscopic, mini open and safe surgical dislocation-Instructional Course Lecture.
IzmirTurkey 2014

19th EFORT Congress
Fixation Of Intraarticular Fractures Under Arthroscopic Control
The Role Of Hip Arthroscopy In The Post Traumatic Hip OA
Barcelona 2018

The Hip arthroscopy and Hip Preservation Society – ISHA
The place of hip arthroscopy in femoral head osteonecrosis
Melbourne Australia 2018

Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Preservation Surgery – ISHA
Conservative treatment for peritrochanteric space disorders Madrid Spain 2019

Main causes of failure and how to treat them 19th ESSKA VIRTUAL Congress 11-15 May 2021

Arthroscopic management of Cam lesion19th ESSKA VIRTUAL Congress 11-15 May 2021

Physical exam, medical history and differential diagnosis of hip pain in young patients Virtual EFFORT Congress 20 June- 2 July 2021

Management of pincer Thursday, September 16, 2021, 41st SICOT Orthopedic World Congress

 Faculty in Hip Arthroscopy Training / courses – wet labs

1.Hip Arthroscopy master class (Dry Bones), Wellington Hospital, London

2.Hip Arthroscopy master class (cadaveric course), Guy’s & St Thomas’s Medical School, London, Feb. 21-22
3.Hip Arthroscopy master class (cadaveric course), Guy’s & St Thomas’s Medical School, London, Aug. 14-15


4.Hip Arthroscopy master class (cadaveric course), Guy’s & St Thomas’s Medical School, London, Mar. 4-5


5.Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy – Practical Hip Arthroscopy Course S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, 24 November


6.Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy-(cadaveric course), Guy’s & St Thomas’s Medical School, London, Mar. 2-3
7.From diagnostic to labrum-Cadaveric Hip arthroscopy Course, S&N Surgical Skills Centre,York Science Park, York, UK, 4-5 April


8.Hip arthroscopy master class, Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy – Practical Hip Arthroscopy Course S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, 9-11 May


9.Therapeutic and Reconstructive Hip arthroscopy master class, Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy – Practical Hip Arthroscopy Course, S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, 29-30 April
10.OS FORUM: Hip Arthroscopy Cadaver Lab, Madrid, Spain, 12-13 December


Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy Therapeutic Hip Course- S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, 23-26 Oct


11.Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy Therapeutic Hip Course- S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, 23-26 March
12.Greek Arthroscopic Society, Patras 21/4


13.Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy Therapeutic Hip Course-S&N Surgical Skills Centre, York Science Park, York, UK, UK 27-19 May
University of Sheffield UK, 3rd Hip Joint Preservation Cadaver Course, 9-11 December


14.Cambridge Hip Arthroscopy Course under the Patronage of ESSKA, Expert Connect Centre, Croxley Park, Watford, London, 3 – 4 July


15.Richard Villar School of Arthroscopy Therapeutic Hip Course-S&N Expert Connect Centre, Croxley Park, Watford, London 14-16 May
16.Cambridge Hip Arthroscopy Course under the Patronage of ESSKA, S&N Expert Connect Centre, Croxley Park, Watford, London, 15 – 18 July


Demystifying the labrum from anatomy to reconstruction
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT)

30/6/2021 – 2/7/2021
Virtual EFORT Congress – VEC hybrid
Physical exam, medical history and differential diagnosis of hip pain in young patients
SICOT Hybrid Meeting

15-18 Sept
Budapest Hungary
Surgical management of PINCER FAI


ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 – Glasgow, UK

ICL Presentations – Instructional Course Lecture

Title of ICL: How to create a future accomplished Surgeon in Hip Preservation ESSKA Sponsored Session.Presenter: Dr Athanasios PAPAVASILEIOU (GRC)

 Course – symposium / Course Convenor

 1st educational course in hip arthroscopy, Nikolpolis Hotel, 6 November 2010, Thessaloniki

The Role of minimal Invasive and joint preservation hip surgery in 2017, 20 May 2017, Athens

1st Hip Preservation Symposium, 25-27 October 2018, Chania

 Active Member of Scientific Societies

1999- Thessaloniki Medical Association

2004-Orthopaedic & Traumatology Association of Macedonia & Thrace

2005-British Trauma Society

2006-Hellenic College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (EEXOT)

2008-British Orthopaedic Association (Overseas Fellow)

2008-International Society for Hip Arthroscopy

2012-Greek Arthroscopic Society (EAE)

2016-European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy

2023 -ΕΠΕΜΥ Επιστημονική Εταιρεία για τη Μυοσκελετική Υγεία

 Local and International Recognition  

I am frequently asked to lecture on hip arthroscopy and hip joint preservation in Greece and abroad.  I have performed LIVE surgery in Izmir (turkey – 2011) and a number of Greece University – NHS institutions (University of Athens, University Hospital of Thessaloniki, 424 and 251 Military Hospitals etc).

I am one of the founding members of ESSKA hip committee (Barcelona 2018) and heavily involved in its activities.

 In April 2022, with the creation of EHPA (European hip preservation associates) within ESSKA I was elected to serve as vice chair until 2024when I am expected to take over as the president.

 In September 2023 in accordance to my contract with the private sector (ConMed) I started training in hip arthroscopy techniques foreign an domestic surgeons.  They would visit Interbalkan Hospital and we would examine patients and they would visit and scrub in y theatre.  So far surgeons from Slovenia and Craortia and Athens visited.  It is the first official training centre of hip arthroscopy in Greece.